Neither soy nor isoflavone intake affects male reproductive hormones (meta-analysis)

Concerns that the phytoestrogens (isoflavones) in soy may feminize men continue to be raised. Several studies and case-reports describing feminizing effects including lowering testosterone levels and raising estrogen levels in men have been published.

Sub-analysis of the data according to isoflavone dose and study duration also showed no effect. This updated and expanded meta-analysis indicates that regardless of dose and study duration, neither soy protein nor isoflavone exposure affects TT, FT, E2 or E1 levels in men.


Yderligere: “Soja indeholder såkaldt planteøstrogen, som ligner kroppens eget østrogen. Østrogen kan få brystkræftceller til at vokse, og selvom det endnu ikke er fastslået, om planteøstrogener har samme effekt, råder Kræftens Bekæmpelse til, at man mindsker indtaget af soja-produkter.”.

Philoxenia (love of foreign), philótimo (love of honor) and geneodoria (brave at giving gifts)

The main idea behind the Greece Is Philoxenia issue, is that this Greek word has additional layers of meaning not captured by its English equivalent, hospitality. It’s not just “the act of being friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors.” To be precise, it’s not just an “act.” It is a code of values with deep roots stretching all the way back to antiquity, one shaped in part by myth, history and religious beliefs.


Closely related to philoxenia is another famous Greek word, which often moves, inspires and baffles foreigners, as it has no direct equivalent in other languages: philótimo. “This concept concerns personal honor – the ability to do something for someone above and beyond what is dictated by feelings or professional obligations, an ability to transcend even personal animosity and grant them a favor with no strings attached,” writes Constantine Buhayer in his book “Culture Smart Greece” (Kuperard Publications), a pocket-sized guide that contains a trove of insightful information on the customs and culture of Greece.


Last but not least, philoxenia is sister to geneodoria (literally meaning “brave at giving presents”) – the famed Greek generosity and yet another key trait in the complex character of this people. You are likely to witness, or better yet receive, expressions of geneodoria everywhere, whether this involves finding yourself a guest at the table of people you’ve never met before on an island or in some remote village, or witnessing something that worryingly resembles a fight over who gets the privilege of picking up the bill at a taverna for the entire party.



“The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.”

— Thomas Jefferson

”…the various modes of worship, which prevailed in the Roman world, were all considered by the people, as equally true; by the philosopher, as equally false; and by the magistrate, as equally useful.”

  • Edward Gibbon on pluralism in the pagan Roman Empire